jhai limited
Buildings will always need to be built and will
always need to meet certain standards of safety,
usability and durability. We aim to be leading the
field in whatever approval systems apply. Since
our humble beginnings in an office under the
We can't know exactly
stairs in 2001 we've approved tens of thousands
of applications across the UK and count major
what the future holds for
construction companies, high street retailers and
Building Regulations but
Public Authorities among our clients. We've had to
we believe we're ready
learn and be ready to change as we've grown but
for whatever lies ahead.
two things remain the same: we value al the
people in our company and we value all our
clients. Whether you're a big international
business or whether you're happy working out of
that office under the stairs, the standard of service
you receive will be the same. That way we hope
to be around for as long as your buildings are.