You are the architect,
You let us know when you are
about to start work. You tell us
the builder or the client
when you want site visits as the
You send us drawings,
work progresses. You call us at any
You tell us you're
either hard copy or electronic
time if you have any questions
completing the project
You tell us about your project at the
Before you start on site...
We inspect the building at
We carry out a final
earliest opportunity.
inspection and issue
We send an Initial Notice to the Local Authority. The Local
all required stages or when
your building control
By phone ­ by email ­ by post, let us have an idea of
Authority has no further involvement. We carry out a ful
you call us.
Final Certificate
the type of works and an approximate build cost or
Building Regulations plan check including aspects of fire
We provide site inspection records. We
complete an application sheet online at
safety, structure, drainage, access and energy efficiency.
advise you of any issues that need
We will also look for potential build-cost savings. We will let
resolving to keep your project on track.
you know of any changes you must, or might want to, make.
We will give you a clear payment schedule
We will give you a fee quotation and answer any concerns
We carry out any other
you may have. For large or complicated projects we wil set
services or assessments
up a free pre-application meeting
such as sound and air
testing, SAP, SBEM, EPC,
BREEAM etc and provide
required certification
We will also let you know if we can offer
any associated services such as energy
Building Control
assessments. If you need any specialist
fire, access or planning & sustainability
with jhai limited
advice you can speak to our experts